It’s easy to get involved with the HSA! Watch for volunteer opportunities through Current Flyers & eNews, contact the HSA with any questions, or attend HSA general meetings:
Please refer to this document if you are chairing an event for the HSA.
HSA Reimbursement & Check Request Form
Please use this form to submit invoices/bills or reimbursement requests for expenses incurred while volunteering for HSA events. Receipts, invoices, etc. must be submitted with this form. Committee Chairs must be aware of all expenses to ensure that budgetary guidelines are followed. Requests totaling over $250 must be pre-approved by the HSA board.
HSA Accounting Numbers 2020-21 (PDF)
Please refer to this form to complete the Reimbursement Check Request.
Please use this form to itemize and document any cash or checks collected at HSA events.
Please use this form to summarize expenses, attendance, and other details about your event.
Please use this form when making any purchases on behalf of Travell. As a nonprofit organization, Travell is able to purchase items in New Jersey without paying sales tax. Form must be completed and signed prior to your making purchases. Please reach out to Christina Morbelli (602-466-8697 - phone/text or christinamorbelli@hotmail.com) to obtain a completed form.
Handling of Returned Checks (PDF)
HSA Whistle Blower Policy 2020-21 (PDF)
Please note details are subject to change.